
02 November 2017

Why cash is still king

I believe life can be simple. Some people just make things complicated.
You see, I have wanted to use e-wallet for payments and to look smart. But there are so many methods out there and none is a unified one.

I wonder why all current methods need an app on mobile phone in order to e-pay. Why restrict it within a mobile device that needs to be connected to the network to make it work?  Also, it takes so many steps to complete an e-transaction.

Why can’t it be a simple solution to just use a smart card/credit card with my finger print to approve e-payment & transaction?
And this takes only 2 steps. IMO, any method that takes more than 2 steps isn’t smart at all.

When everyone views the same problem as ‘nails’, the only tool they know is the hammer. Sigh!   

If you know how to “KISS” (Keep it short and simple) and have the means to implement it here, I’ll invest in you or your business. Please contact me.
Meantime, cash is still king here.