
27 February 2022

War Villain


People around the world are still suffering from the hardships and challenges brought about from the pandemic, yet this fellow is adding bloodshed and taking many innocent lives for his political gains.   

There is nothing we can do but to expect more hardships and disruptions to affect our living. We can only use strong words or perhaps art to condemn his doings. 

23 February 2022

Keep Going


I may be getting older but what I do never gets old.

But it isn’t enough to put enough snacks on the table. That explains why I’m always hungry.

Same strategy but different outcomes. I realized from an early stage that what has worked for others never worked for me.

20 February 2022

Think First Do Later


Last year, victims lost more than $633 millions to scams. Many victims are professionals and smart people. It’s not difficult to explain why.

With our high penetration rate for mobile devices and ease of connectivity, most people are constantly looking, doing something with their devices. These days, many people are eating their meals with only one hand. Why? One hand is used for holding up their mobile devices while eating!

People are too eager to click and too quick to share ‘anything’ and fake news with others. They do not think before action.

I’ve been trying hard to change the behavious of some friends but had failed miserably.

16 February 2022

Keep Dreaming

When the going gets tough, the tough needs to keep dreaming to avoid any mental meltdown. Many things are not going the way we wanted them to be. Kudos to those who can still make their dreams come true in this difficult time.

13 February 2022

Why Like That?


The trophy given out in our inaugural President’s Award for Inspiring Achievements is the ugliest to date. It looks flimsy and cheap, needs a large storage space to keep and probably has no resale value other than to sell it as scrap metals. My guess is: either the buyer has very low aesthetic taste or there isn’t enough time to get a proper trophy. If nothing meets the standard, perhaps it’s better to just give a cheque. Especially in this very difficult time!

09 February 2022

The TIGER’s Way or no way?


Lately, the COVID-monster nearly caught up with me. I was fortunate to evade it.

No luck to evade the inflation-monster as I did not run fast enough to out-run it. Now my pants are both torn and loose. I’ve to make more holes to tighten my belt some more! Sigh. 

There isn’t much help even if our big bro has given every household a S$100 E-vouchers to spend. Many businesses have already raised their prices few times in last 2 years alone. I cannot imagine how tough life would be like when the GST-monster comes into the picture soon! Prices will definitely go up again! It’s the tiger’s way or no way. There is no place to hide!