
31 May 2023

Head you win tail I lose


In the past, quality & delivery are my strengths to differentiate myself from the crowds.

Now, I’m fighting the pressure to also compete in price!

Today, all buyers want are top product quality, super-fast delivery of results or goods and at rock-bottom prices. Damn! This explains why I’ve to do other jobs, rain or shine because my art does not put enough food on the table.

24 May 2023

No laughing matter


In the past, to excel in any art means putting in time and efforts to practise and hone one’s observation and drawing skills.

Now some smart and lazy novices have invented generative AI to create art for free using other artists’ inputs. Life is getting very tough as anything could be fake, including artwork!

Human artists now have to compete with both real artists and computer softwares that copy my art. Damn!

16 May 2023

Laughing to the bank?


In the past, I’m afraid to show my art publicly for fear being made a laughing stock.

Now I can hide behind a computer screen and show my art creations any time. Art and humour can be a form of business too. It’s just that nobody has gotten famous and rich doing it. Still, there is no shortage of aspiring and struggling artists showing their art for free. 

11 May 2023

Laughing at ourselves


In the past, I laughed openly at others’ foolish acts and behaviours. It’s so easy to laugh at others but tough to find something to laugh at ourselves!

Now I try to upkeep my image and hide my laughter from public view. We are all serious humans who do weird things. This is called perspective.

07 May 2023

World Laughter Day


In the past, I felt anxious when people laughed at me. I didn’t know why. So I had to be real careful not to do foolish things.

Now I don’t care so much. Laughter is free and can be a temporary relief for stress and hardships.

Today is World Laughter Day. Just laugh lah! 

03 May 2023

Less is More


In the past, I liked to keep things even when they’re broken. I believed somedays, I’d repair or re-purpose them for use again. Many stuff accumulate and I became a hoarder.

So now I’m trying very hard to get rid of things, broken or not used. I realized having less means more:  more pocket money for coffee (if I sell stuff) and more space to stretch my arms and legs. 😊

But don’t be fooled by influencers. It’s not practical to  live normally as a minimalist.