
31 October 2019

Hasta La Vista, Baby

Tougher times ahead for ageing PMET looking for jobs even if they are willing to be re-skilled and re-tooled.  

The odds are low as employers shun hiring ageing PMET as foreign talents are aplenty here. Something is seriously not right in our systems.

You will never be obsolete if you’re born with a silver spoon. If not, one should make lots of money when young and save up for old age or have invested in recurring passive incomes for retirement. I realized this wisdom too late! Sigh!

Note: Terminator-Dark Fate movie is a disappointment. I gave it a rating of 6/10. The story is so-so and the actions are old and not much. My jaw did not drop, let alone open my mouth.

24 October 2019

It's Good to be Back!

I grew up watching terminator movies. Only the first 2 movies were good. Movie no 3 was so-so and no. 4 & 5 were below standard as they were not produced by the same creator/producer, James Cameron. Now this movie no. 6 is a long-time coming, nearly 30 years late and is a continuation to movie no. 2.

This may probably be the last terminator movie starring the 2 ageing Hollywood stars: Linda Hamilton (63) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (72). Reviews stated this is a jaw-dropping movie. I hope mine wouldn’t drop too much! 

One part I don’t yet understand in this no.6 movie: how come the T-800 Cyborg (played by Arnold) could age like a human? 

15 October 2019

Goodbye Nila!

This is a piece of art that cost S$8M to erect in 1995 and is a symbol of the small island.

It’s a pity to see it demolished in the coming weeks.

We often tell others we’re a smart nation with many smart people. Yet our designers/owners could not tweak their new design to accommodate this statue in their new development plans. Surely, there are innovative and creative ways to recycle it for other uses instead of tearing it down.

Goodbye Nila!

10 October 2019

All Systems Go!

In the past, prams needed to be closed when you board the bus with them. Now regardless of pram’s size, you can just push it openly into crowded buses and trains. It’s the same free-access for PMDs and PMAs of all sizes in our “always-packed public transports. There are rules to limit bicycles/luggage’s sizes in public transport but nobody really care to enforce them. Our Big Bro is too busy with other priorities and has no time to think ahead how to contain this escalating problem. Commuters’ thinking: if Big Bro doesn’t say anything, this means everything can bring in lah!

03 October 2019

Angel Has Fallen

Last known case of a 65-year old woman who died of internal injuries after being knocked down by a speeding unauthorized e-scooter. Now a petition has garnered more than 50,000 signatures to ban PMDs totally on shared paths. It’s time to take drastic actions. How much more injuries and blood needed for decision-makers to reverse their decisions to protect the pedestrians who originally have the right of way on footpaths?
Well, observing from their silence and ‘non-reactive mode, there isn’t any light at the end of this tunnel. Sigh!