
29 September 2021

Nothing venture nothing gain


Many years ago, I wanted to re-make a popular Chinese movie based on a novel by the renowned novelist JinYong. The output was to be used to train co-workers on new management tools and concepts.

I was the Creative Director and was bold enough to use a French actor as the lead. He spoke very little Chinese and his only Chinese phrase was “朋友,你好吗?” Half-way through the project, a new boss took over. Budget was cut and many restrictions were imposed. I could not do many things as I’d planned and wished for. He even deployed his men in black to monitor and track my every move. Sigh!

Soon after, people started to leave for good, including myself. This movie was never completed but those who previewed the earlier movie clips, many just laughed and gave me their thumbs-up. 😊

(Read the full story inside my 2nd-book)

Buy my books here at LINKleefhCaricatures - Store (

26 September 2021

COVID-19: The Road Ahead


Here, the daily infection rate is four-figures despite the high vaccination rate of 82%.

Daily fatality is climbing at a faster rate!

In the past when the vaccination rate is low, control and restrictions were high and fatality rate was low. Now, it’s the opposite. Something is not right.

When you don’t have a roadmap and the road ahead is uncertain with many twists and turns, do you go fast or go slow?  

Do you want to use a new driver on the job to manoeuver a vehicle he uses for the first time?  

Many people are confused at the moment due to the frequent changing of gears and the radio blasting different and conflicting instructions every other day!


Everyone must stay vigilant at all times and reduce or minimize no-mask exposure outside.

15 September 2021

Dream or nightmare?


I was giving my opening speech in a crowded gallery exhibiting my artworks for the first time. Suddenly a group of government men (they all worn long-sleeve shirt with a pass on lanyard) burst through the main door looking for me. Everyone panicked and dispersed to the nearest exit doors to escape. I grabbed my most expensive art pieces and fled to the emergency exit door at the rear. When I opened the door, a group of men was already waiting for me. I could see the smiles on their eyes (all were wearing facemasks of course). They were there to take me in for questioning for the public display of my satirical political cartoons. Then I felt a chill on my back and my clothes became wet. I woke up from my sleep in cold sweat!

11 September 2021

September 11, Twenty Years On


Many could not and would not forget the horrifying terror attacks today, twenty years ago.

The Americans may have withdrawn from Afghanistan after 20 years, terrorism may be on the rise again in the coming years as many have had fled the country as refugees, settling in foreign countries and preparing for the next attack. There is a Chinese saying: 名枪易挡, 暗箭难防, meaning it’s easier to deflect attack in daylight, it’s harder to prevent attack during the night!  

Everyone has to be vigilant and be prepared to run!

08 September 2021

Big Mouth Doesn’t Pay III

When you’re big, strong and super rich, it’s better to keep your mouth shut and continue to enjoy your life. Why ‘tickle’ your big brothers? You’re heading for trouble. The very ancient wisdom is still very much valid today: the poor can never win those who are rich. The rich can never win those in power. The powerful can never win over ‘big brother’ in office. All wise men know this.

03 September 2021

Big Mouth Doesn’t Pay II


We have 2 ears but only one mouth. So one should talk less and listen more. Especially so when we are unfamiliar with the topic conversed. IMO, it looks cool and smart to remain silent than to ‘talk rubbish’ that confirms your weaknesses. Of course when your boss asks you for your opinion on some topics, you have to think quick on your feet and give something in response! If you have nothing to give, just say something humorous to get by or divert the topic.

01 September 2021

Complete vs Finish


When my boss tells the truth. He is honest and complete even if we don’t like what is said.

But when I tell the truth and my boss doesn’t like it, I’m finished.

When I tell the truth and our ‘big bro’ doesn’t like it, I’m completely finished!

The lesson to learn here is: be smart but don’t openly show it. One can survive longer in the market.