
27 October 2021

Tough times tough measures


The outside world right now is quite chaotic and uncertain. Some people have already ended their journey. Many others are facing real difficulties and challenges in the current unprecedented tough times. Most are in survival mode and preserving their resources to outlast this pandemic. The ‘invisible enemy’ is still raging out there, please be vigilant and do the right thing. 

24 October 2021

Difficulty vs Challenge


What’s the difference between difficulty and challenge?

Well, when something is doable or achievable, it’s called a challenge. If not, then it’s called a difficulty.

For example, it’s very difficult to spot litterbugs in public places and is very challenging to change their habits without pain. It’s also very difficult to convince everyone to wear a face-mask correctly and it’s extremely challenging to ensure that people stick to it even when nobody is checking.

It’s a challenge to deal and handle very difficult people!

20 October 2021





容易解决的问题叫挑战, 不能解决的问题叫困难。

员工每天面对的是困难, 老版有时面对的是挑战。

穷人想要走出困难, 有钱人急要跳进挑战。



下一课: 不要放弃😊

17 October 2021

Rough Ride Ahead

Our mothership is charging ahead against waves after waves of uncertainties. Nobody knows what our captain is really thinking. Perhaps, our ship is running out of fuel, so needs to charge ahead. Everyone feels the severe toss and bounce due to the sudden changing of speed and vigorous twists and turns in this  voyage. Now our ship is full of holes and many have fallen into deep water and left to fight for themselves. From official count yesterday, 224 people did not make it!

Someone once said: Life is like the ocean, it goes up and down. It’s more relevant to say: One can bully the mountain but not the ocean.

13 October 2021

Live Free or Die Hard?

When top management keeps changing their plans and directions with twists and turns, workers suffer the most. Bosses either took the wrong advice from “experts”, never consult others or do not really know what’s happening on the ground. When this happens, workers are constantly being pressurized, stressed, and are often burnt-out! 

It’s “do or die” in current unpredictable times, one has to think and make own judgment and “do the right thing.”

10 October 2021

When the going gets really tough


Many people are like me, confused and disrupted by this pandemic.

If you’re a runner, it’s like your road ahead has been blocked or has disappeared suddenly.

If you’re in business, your cash flow in-tap is running dry and your expense bucket is leaking continuously from the bottom.

If you’re a worker WFH, one-third of your working hours are either spent on online shopping portals or resting on your bed/couch!

If you’re a student, your home is now your class room and your teachers and classmates can only appear on your small screen.

If you’re a retired senior, you’re feeling like being stranded on a small remote island with nothing and you keep looking and waiting for the rescue ship to arrive to pick you up!

06 October 2021

Tougher Road Ahead


Many may have misunderstood or sold the wrong info that “vaccination protects oneself and loved ones”. This motto is not entirely true.   

Many vaccinated people are infected with mild or no symptom and they then infect others without knowing. Many thought they are well and it’s back to normal doing no-mask activities. This explains the high infection rate and fatality rate here with clusters everywhere! Showing clusters on our map is useless because our island is so small, where can one run to hide?

Now, the main focus is no longer on vaccination or  booster-shot. It’s whether you’re tested before events/activities or even going to work. Soon, this would be made mandatory and the norm, perhaps even for dining-in. Vaccination status would be of no use. This explains why there is a serious shortage of ART test-kits here just like we had the face-mask shortage 18 months ago! Sigh!

03 October 2021

The French Disconnection

 Having worked with the French for several years, I understand their culture and behaviour. They often share jokes among themselves. When you ask them to translate their jokes, they just stare at you like you’re a muppet and they would continue laughing. They only maintain a working relationship with you. Nothing else. 

The French don’t maintain or continue any friendship after you go your separate ways! They don’t like to keep in touch as you have nothing to offer them. It’s Au revoir to you! They can sink friendships easily but when their friends jump ship and abandon them, they are devastated. Their prides are squashed and they describe this like a stab in their backs. They have a hard time trying to swallow it! This is the French culture. Please accept it. 😊