
29 September 2022

Dealing with difficult people


In the past, I tried very hard to avoid difficult tasks. Especially those that zap your energy but bring in nothing in value or contribute to goal or growth.  

Now I try very hard to avoid difficult people. It’s the most challenging and tiring thing. But often we cannot avoid them. So we have to adopt a different mindset and strategy when dealing with them. I’d rather stop wasting time and admit ‘defeat in argument than spending long hours trying to win it.

25 September 2022

Do what you like & like what you do


In the past, I often had to do tasks I didn’t like.  

It was tough to put 100% heart and mind into doing them.

Now I still have to do stuff I don’t quite like. The only difference is to adopt a strategy to complete those unlikeable tasks first, then free the mind to do those tasks that I like. 

21 September 2022

Ideas won’t work unless I do


In the past, I had many ideas but no gut to test any of them for fear of failure.

Now I have less ideas and a bit of courage to test out some of them as simple ideas have very low failure costs. There is really nothing to lose except for the effort and time spent. The worst case scenario is to let others laugh at my ideas as free entertainment. That’s OK.

15 September 2022

Perseverance and determination

In the past, when things are not right, I often have to accept them or gave up. 

Now, when things are really not right and they affect my well-being, I have to keep on trying to frustrate the other parties till they give in and change. 

08 September 2022

When things aren’t right


In the past, when things are not right, I often have to accept them or try not to think about them.

Now, when things are not right, I try to report them to the relevant agents and authorities for actions if they affect my well-being and public safety. More often than not, they just ignore me or provide lip-services to explain why things could not be changed or improved or actions could be taken. Sigh.   

04 September 2022

Small stuff Big Sweat


In the past, I am calm and peaceful when walking on narrow foot-paths.

Now I fear for my life not knowing when I would be banged from behind by speeding cyclists who always think they have the right of way.

Policy-makers never have to sweat the small stuff as they are never affected by their decisions. I do sweat a lot due to their poor judgment! Sometimes, even my underwear is wet.  

01 September 2022

Have inner peace

In past economic downturns, I did not feel much impact even when I had received no help from our big bro,

Now the current economic downturn coupled with high inflation rates, high cost of living, high energy costs, the impacts felt are a lot greater even with some assistance from our big bro. Now prices get higher, portions get smaller. It’s the most challenging times so far. I have to stay calm and have some inner peace through cheap art therapy, runs and doing simple DIY challenges to distract my mind.