
30 December 2022

Tough times ahead!


In the past, the terrain was relatively flat with just occasional gentle slopes. It was quite easy to navigate around and to get by.

Now, the landscape is full of uncertainties with many pot holes, steep and slippery grounds and many vertical climbs. Nobody knows when big rocks would fall and chunk of land would slide down. But there isn’t any choice as everyone has to move forward. So everyone needs to grip tight and be constantly alert to look far ahead.

18 December 2022



In the past, I regretted more on things I did than those I didn’t do.

Now, I regret more on things I didn’t do than those I’ve done! I believe the older we get, the less likely we are to take risk unless one has the FOMO attitude which I don’t have. This explains why I’m still poor today.

14 December 2022

Resistance to Change


See full video here: 

In the past, I disliked changes.

They disrupt status quo of things and caused many inconveniences and unnecessary costs.

Now, I still dislike changes but I have no choice but to accept them as they are often beyond my control. One has to adapt quickly to survive in the current ever-changing world. But some old habits remain unchanged for me: reimagine, reskill, refine, resell, refuse, recycle, repair, repurpose, reduce, relent, reluctant, release, reject, regret…..  

07 December 2022

You win some you lose some


In the past, when things happened not according to plans, I often felt frustrated and ‘pulled my hair’. Now I try to breathe deep to stay calm and think about how to change and adapt to undesired happenings that are often beyond my control. Someone said: “Change what you can and can what you can’t.” This is easily said than done!

I guess you can’t win all the time. Just like football!  

Translation: “In life, there are many unsatisfactory happenings. If you continue to be depressed, you won’t feel happy even if you have lots of money and a good life.” Rosamund Kwan