
27 April 2023

Sustainability vs Cost


In the past, before sustainability became a buss word, I have learned to repair things to reduce wastes and expenses.

Now many things are beyond my abilities to repair them when they’re broken. And it costs so much more efforts, time and money to repair vs to replace them. When I’m forced to choose between sustainability and costs, I have to be realistic, rational and pragmatic.  

22 April 2023

Needs vs Wants


In the past, I buy things on impulse without thinking. Now, I try to ‘ask’ myself before buying anything: is it a need or want? Do I need it now or future?

When the answer is grey, I’d wait a few more days/weeks before repeating those questions.

Everyone can lead a sustainable life. It’s a personal choice. Today is Earth Day.    

13 April 2023

Good mood = Quality Work


In the past, I forced myself to produce outputs even when my mind was not 100% right. Performance and outcomes suffered and were often not to quality standard.

Now I think quality performance and good work can only comes from a good mental stage before embarking on any task. When the mood is right, the mind is at peace, the outcome will show itself. But in today’s fast-paced context, who can wait for your mood to stabilize or change?

09 April 2023

What is good enough?


In the past, I believed in 10,000 hours of practice to perfect any skill.

Now I think this time is too much to wait for any return of investment.

As long as someone is willing to buy my artwork, it means it’s good enough. But sad to say, this hobby provides little and irregular money to buy coffee and snacks. This explains why I still need to keep my day-job.   

04 April 2023

10,000 hours VS 10 Years


In the past, the Chinese told me to work really hard for 10 years to perfect every minute of my drawing skill.

Now the American said no need to waste time and efforts. Just use Open AI to create arts using big data copied from real artists. Damn!

If we follow the American’s way, the human race will soon lose their abilities to think, write and draw with a physical tool, how to drive a car and worse, no more ability to communicate verbally and interact with other humans. If we follow the Chinese’s way, artists  would die of hunger before getting any payout to buy food. Sigh.

So, which way to go?