
27 October 2023

What a life


For some people, life could be unexpectedly shortened. 

Nobody can choose when the journey would end.

25 October 2023

What's Life?


In the past, many famous people had talked about life. But different people have different perspectives.  The best analogy came from a nobody who said:

Life is like a bus journey. You start from one point and end at another. Rain or shine, the journey takes you through many routes, stops at many interesting places and meet many different and strange people who hop on and off your bus. Some may accompany you for short durations while some travel with you a bit longer. Along the way, many would leave when they reach their destinations. Eventually your journey would come to an end when you reach yours. As you leave, some would continue their journeys on their own. That’s life!”

17 October 2023

Making a living vs making a life


In the past, most people spent most of their time in making a living. Only a few made time for themselves.    

Now more and more people want to spend time to make a life! But in our context, no money means no life. No health also means no life too. So today’s winning formula for success is: good health + abundant wealth + enjoyable activities = wonderful good life!  

I know of some people who are living it right now.

I ‘red-eye’ them. 😊

10 October 2023

World’s Mental Health Day


In the past, nobody talked about mental health issues.

Now, it’s a big topic that nobody can afford to ignore.

We have to check ours every now and then and take steps to manage it. If not, the consequences could be serious. Today is World’s Mental Health Day.

Take care, my friends.

You need good health to enjoy your ‘hidden’ wealth!

04 October 2023

Dreams don’t always come true


In the past, I had no time to dream of what kind of life I would want to live. Every day, weeks, months were repeats of routines over and over again to do work to survive in our tough workplaces.  

Now everyone is dreaming to have work-life-balance. Unless you have deep pockets or hidden wealth, very few could live it. Why? Because no work means no income to pay the bills and your life cannot get balanced.