
26 June 2024

Take time to take care


In all your working life, you’re doing tasks helping others to achieve their goals and KPIs. It’s time you take action and do something for yourself: to be happy. In the book of finding happiness and purpose in life, The IKIGAI Journey, the authors’ parting words are worth reflecting:

Wherever you may be and whatever you may accomplish, always remember that everything is still to be done and everything is in your hands.”       

20 June 2024

Always give your best. Nothing less.


Always give your best. Nothing less.

But not everyone would appreciate your efforts or like your work. Often, they do not see how your work adds value or better their lives. Does it really matter? Someone once said: “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”

What count the most is you have peace, are happy doing what you love!

13 June 2024

Give your best


Do and give your best in whatsoever you love to do.

Give away what you dislike or dislike  to do if you can.

When you reach a stage in life, you’d find more joy in giving than receiving or acquiring things. Life can be simple. You need very little or simple things to get by actually. 

06 June 2024

Planning on the go


Most people do not have any big plans. Many are just living and enjoying life day by day. The mantra is things often do not go according to plan. But for some, the older we get, the more problems and challenges we may have to face. Be it mentally, physically or financially or all of the above! It’s part and parcel of growing old and planning on the go. Better if one could prepare early for unexpected events to come.