
24 July 2024

Give it all


Age is guaranteed to catch up with everyone. I know it because many things seem to be going slower and it seems there is lesser energy to do many things. There is so little remaining energy left in the tank to focus and do just one or two things and to do them well. Confucius had advised: “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” It’s better to listen to this wisdom to comfort oneself!

17 July 2024

Give up and give in


We can choose how to live, work and play.

But one thing we cannot choose is to stop growing old. My left brain tries to think fast but my right brain says no stamina to work fast. Also my muscles are shrinking, my movements are slower, vision is slightly blur and more pains are felt at many joints. Mark Twain said: “Age is an issue of mind over matter-if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” He might be senile and not meant what he said. Age does matter and it matters a lot!

11 July 2024

Give in or give up?


Based on my decades of observing, working and dealing with different kinds of people, I can conclude one fact. Most people care and do things only for themselves and for their own interests. This is nature for every living-being. Me-First attitude is hard to eradicate in human. If their weird actions and behaviours don’t affect me, I just roll my eyes upwards and ignore them. If they do affect me, I’d retaliate. The problem is, I think too much and too long before taking action. The culprit is already out of sight. Sigh!  

03 July 2024

Give or Take?


There are always different perspective and controversy over things people do.

Like the wall mural by an ang-mo artist or close to a quarter B-dollars of taxpayers’ money spent to build a founder’s memorial. But many are afraid to voice their views in public for fear of being ‘invited’ for coffee in a dark room. Everyone knows this wisdom: the poor can never win against the rich. The rich can never win against the powerful!

It's best to keep your mouth shut when you’re enjoying peace at the moment!