After more than a year
Many said “never judge a book by its cover”, but for this book,
you can!
This book comes with full-color caricatures, illustrations and cartoons.
Book size: 8.5”X11.0”,
128 pages of my caricature drawin gs and illustrations collection.
Soft Launch retail price:
S$32.00, USD23.50, EURO22.00
Deliver to local address, add S$4.00 (USD3.00)
Deliver to foreign address via Surface mail (3-17 weeks), add S$12.00 (USD8.70).
Readers, who had bought my first book, can purchase this Volume2 at a discounted price. Contact the artist separately.
Limited stock is available.
Your works have gained many interests from my family and friends. Are you willing to conduct classes for kids?