
27 February 2012

You see what I see ?

Drawing caricatures is about seeing a person's face & interpreting what the artist sees. 

It's about "profiling" shapes and lines with respect to the "uniqueness" seen on the subject's face. 

But it's no simple / easy task.
As the chinese saying goes : One minute on stage = 10 years behind the stage (practices).

How many can afford to spend 10 years to perfect the art of caricature ?  

Some people see faces & interpret them accurately as shown in this picture drawn by another artist. It's just like profiling a person's personality with accurate results. 

What you see is what you get !   

Some artists can see your "uniqueness "at a glance and make full use of it in their caricatures as in this picture drawn by my caricature "shi-fu" or master.

But this master shows my "uniqueness" in extreme,....& I think he's too "cruel" to me,.....I'll not buy this drawing from him although it made me laugh at my self.

In life, sometimes it is good to laugh at oneself to relief the stress in ourselves.

Everbody has something "unique" about themselves. It's just that they have not discovered it yet. 
Same for strengths too !

Not everyone sees what you see.
That's the reason why people cannot "see eye to eye" with one & another and get involved in conflicts - in work, family, friends, bosses, spouse, etc.

People see things differently & interpret them differently. These differences can have extreme results. See these drawings by other artists, you would know what I meant.

Some people "sees" your positive aspects & recognizes them. Some don't. Worst still, some see your negative apsects more than your positive sides.

What the heck, why care ?

Just do what you think is the right thing to do !