
28 August 2024

Up-Keeping yourself


Some people told me they hated their jobs or their bosses. They asked me should they stay or go. It’s a decision they have to make. I’m not in their shoes.

Some people could not leave their jobs and have little motivation and always feeling “xian” (boring) going to work. They asked me how to cope. I told them to find a new hobby or interest to find joy & up-keep their mental health. Best if they cost nothing to start and maintain. But would anyone listen to a nobody?

22 August 2024

Keep Looking

If you have found your niche and it’s making lots of money for you, Congratulations! You have made it in life. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking inside.

But if you have found it and are still struggling day to day to get by, perhaps you’re in the wrong industry or with a wrong boss! You have to start looking outside

Just Keep looking…

15 August 2024

Keep something for yourself


If you have saved enough and kept some reserves, you can retire comfortably and start to enjoy life.

But if you are still slogging it out every day at work to pay the bills, it’s better to be a ninja warrior (not turtle: unless you prefer a slow, boring& long life) than a ninja delivery man. More skills mean more opportunities in many possible roles to make money! Find your own niche!

08 August 2024

I gave my all


I have given my all. But still no big break-through for me. I had never thought of winning. I tried very hard not losing. But time and physical conditions are not on my side! So I have to do side gigs and keep some ‘reserves’ for the tough days ahead when my full-time job ends. Some people said you can lose but you can still be a winner. But can this absurd  thinking bring food to the table?

01 August 2024

Do what you love


When you have little energy left at the end of the day, use them to focus and do one or two things you love to do and do them well. Most likely you would succeed in the long term. Motivate yourself along the way. But don’t follow my modus operandi because after more than 15 years of trying, I’m still looking for my big break through. Sigh.