
19 September 2024

Always be ready


If your new boss is “blur”, unskilled yet demanding, you’d feel stressed, frustrated and de-motivating.

If your new co-workers are also “blur” and unskilled, you’d feel upset and often deprived of your energy.

But if you’re a bit “blur”, unskilled yet have gotten this high-paying job, you just need to keep quiet and continue to enjoy all the benefits while you can. But always get your luggage ready for a surprise exit anytime!

11 September 2024

Star vs Stud

As a new worker, if your boss likes you, everything will fall into place for you. You could soon become a star with blue eyes if you “play” the game right!

But if your boss doesn’t like you, then everything falls apart, you could become a stud and everyone starts hitting it. Whenever a new person joins a new organisation, it’s always a star-studded event as all eyes are looking at this new person!

05 September 2024

Look before you leap


When you have decided to “jump ship”, it’s better to look wide and deep before you jump! You have to do your own risk assessment. You won’t know what is really inside till you get in. Sometimes, such jump is called a leap of faith. Others called it a leap into hell. Whether you survive or perish in the new environment, it all depends on luck!