
05 April 2012

Life is about making choices everyday

Disclaimer: What you read here are only my personal opinions and views. This does not mean others feel & think the same like me on this topic. What the heck, who cares ?

Someone once said : "Life is about making choices everyday".
And I tend to agree with this statement. 

We choose the time to wake up each day, to go to work or not, the food we eat, the places we travel to see, who we want to talk to, where to spend our money, to take action or not, &many other choices,..................

Some choices we made turned out positive. Others have unexpected outcomes & negative consequences. At times, outcomes could be painful.

This year, I choose to go to nepal to climb some mountains for my self-reflection. Weeks before this trip, I need to be inoculated. The nurse asked me : " You want all 4 jabs at one go, or in 2 separate days ? "  
To act "strong" like a man, I choose all in one go.
After this, for the next 2 days, I couldn't lift both my arms. I pay to gain pain & it's not cheap !

Some people choose to do big things like this woman. For > 20 years, she fights for democracy and human rights despite her limited resources. 

I believe when the mind is set, anybody could achieve anything. It's our choice to make up our mind.  

Some great leaders choose to have weird hairdo and beard. That's why we recognize them immediately & remember what they had ever said.

I've heard about this phrase & have always thought that it came from confucious' teachings. 
But I was surprise that it came from a past president.

We choose to keep old assumptions when in fact, they are not true.    

Some people prefer status quo.
Doing nothing is also a choice.  It's "If it ain't broken, why fix it ?" mentality.  If you like what you have chosen to do, and it gives you good feeling & you're happy, good luck to you. You have made the right choice.

Sometimes, to remain status quo also mean to remain a mess,..........

This magician chooses to perform extraordinary magics & feats. He is a mind freak. I choose to watch his shows whenever they are broadcasted. I just cannot figure out how he does the trick.  

Like him, many people has chosen to show off their talents and extraordinary abilities & make lots of money from it. Others choose to hide it. That's why it's called "hidden talent". But now, many people are showing their talents on youtube, hoping to be discovered,.......hmmmmmm.

I have never watched any of her movies. And I choose not to find out more about her.

But I find her tag-line interesting. That why's I've chosen to draw her as my regular drawing practice.

At times in life, you choose what you want to be, or not to be.   

Sometimes, people choose not to talk or refuse to tell the truth. That's life & there is nothing you can do about it unless you've great power & authority to force out the truth. Even this, you choose to believe or not, what one would say.  
I choose to agree with what this leader had said. Improvement is a continuous process. But I also think that this is true to some extend. Improvements can only reach a limit constraint by other factors like physical, psychological. I still believe in the law of diminishing returns. 
This chinese actor has improved over the years. Starting from a role as a young shaolin monk in a chinese movie to hollywood english movies. But I observed that he always choose to act in serious roles, never in comedies. And he always seem to have very little dialogues in the movies. But he never strip to show his torso in any movie. I choose to watch his movies due to his superb fighting stunts and martial arts. This is good entertainment for money.   

Everyone is borned with positive-thinking but get lots of negative influences during our lifetime. That's why it's very difficult to reverse this process, but is possible. Today, I'm still trying to get into +ive mode. What's your choice, my friend ?

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