
11 April 2013

Getting OLD..... but not out ?

When one was young, one spend all the energy to make money & a name for oneself.  
When one grows old, one can use his name to make some more this guy here. But when I was young, my parents & teachers never told me this.
Now that I'm getting older, I've no name & no money & no energy !            Sigh..........
When you are younger, you do "dirty" things.
People like it so much, they called you DIRTY HARRY, & salute you for getting things done your way. But when you are old, if you do "dirty-things", they'd call you dirty old-man, and if you are caught doing it, you may end up with a big name in jail. Then you are totally finished & "out".

When you are young, you can build-up your body to make money & a name for yourself.
When you get old, it's extremely, extremely rare that you can still use your old body to make any money. This is the reality.
If you have the interest & discipline, learn some kung-fu when you are young.
If you are extremely good in it, make a name for yourself. 
When you grow old, you can use your kung-fu to maintain your physical health, which is the most important asset to remain in the "game".    

When you are young, try to get creative, or mix with creative people.
This guy created something even with simple objects like a pair of boxing gloves. 
He made it so good, that they called him ROCKY, & The Eye of the tiger.  
Creativity gets you the money only if you know how to make use of it & you act on it....  

When we were younger, we had lots of energy, but no time & money.
Now that we get older, we have lots of time, some money, but no more energy.
So I think it's good to have some adventures when you still have the energy. I admire the adventures of Indiana Jones, who always visit exotic places in his movies.
We all get to grow old physically. But the mind can stay young & active.    
One must maintain one's cognitive capacity with constant mind exercises & quick thinking skills. From my observations, those who thinks faster than others, win. 


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