
06 June 2014

I remember my first.....

This year, for the first time, I was made Captain of our ship. I mean kayak to be precise.


After this first experience, I confirmed something that I've learned in my corporate days :

When you're comfortable & happy in your position, don't "rock the boat".

A boat does not go forward if each one is rowing their own way.
If you' re in a small boat in a big ocean, you need to pray for good weather and calm water and start looking for shore. 

I remember when I was a boy, the first time my dad punished me for something I could not recall.

He didn't use a cane. 
His used his left-hand to pull my left-ear (to prevent me from escaping) & his right-leg to "sepak-takraw" kick my buttock.  
He practiced martial-art / kung-fu for many years. If he had used the Bruce LEE's kick, I would surely die.

1962 war film on D-Day, Normandy landings on June 6, 1944 World War II 

 I remember the first movie my dad brought us to watch at the Odean theatre at New  Bridge Road (now demolished).
It was a 3-hr long black & white movie. I was too young to know those big movie stars like John Wayne, Henry Fonda, Sean Connery, Richard Burton......

The first actor I consider to be macho & tough is this guy.

In all his movies, he only had one facial expression & he never smiled.
He had this serious look & I think that's why he never acted in any comedy movie.

Spiderman 2 (2014)
Spiderman is the first superhero most often drawn when I was in secondary school. 
I could not recall the reason why. 
I guess it's quite funny that one could become a superhero from an insect's bite.
These days, insect bites could make you real sick or cause you your life.

Michael Phelps (USA)

My first swimming coach was my cousin's husband.
A calm, patient & knowledgeable man. 
I pay tribute to this man.
Without his coaching, I wouldn't have learned my swimming skills & to overcome my fear of water.


I had many requests to draw caricatures for others.
But this is the first time I had received a negative feedback from a subject.

She complained that I had exaggerated her too much & made her looked strange.

Ou-la-la !
How could that be ?
I just smiled.

This year, I decided to try something new - digital painting.

This is my first digital painting done entirely with Photoshop in 10 minutes.

After playing with a tablet for a few months, I still prefer the old fashion way of using paper, color & brush.
Someone said "You can't teach old dogs new tricks" & I think he may be right.

Kota Kinabalu SABAH 2007

I climbed my first mountain in 2007.
It was a 2D1N climb to the summit at 4095m.
I was the oldest person in our group of seven, including my "boss" in this picture.

It was raining on the first day but sunshine on the second day.

This climb taught us to "take one step at a time" to reach the goal.

After this experience, I continue to climb a few more mountains.

I hope to be able to climb more mountains as long as my physical body condition and finances allow me.

Mt.Kinabalu 4095m

The first time I took part in a drawing contest was in primary school.
It was an inter-school poster drawing competition with the theme : dental care. 
I remember I won something but I could not recall what's the prize. This was a very long time ago.  

Disclaimer :
What you see & read here, are purely my own views, opinions & perceptions about the topic.
I fully understand that others may not think or feel the same like I do. 
It's OK. We are all human.
If you don't like what you read or see here, just ignore it & move on.
There is no need to sulk or response.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous18 June, 2014

    I see some lovely caricatures here. :) I like the Bruce Lee one the most!

    Some do not appreciate caricatures because they want to see more beautiful versions of themselves, and not necessarily an accurate portrayal of what they look like, and especially not what they feel doesn't do their "good looks" enough justice. :D
