
02 December 2014

I Don't...........and I won't

I don't like litterbugs in our country. They keep littering in public places. They just cannot control themselves. 
Litterbugs are very difficult to spot even with my "four eyes" prowling the streets when I'm outdoor. I won't hesitate to give them a piece of my mind if I ever see one.
I hope everyone can give a little effort to stop littering. It is a worsening problem here. 
Denzel Washington - The Equalizer 2014

This country is getting dirtier everyday and we need strong enforcement & penalties to stop littering. 

The Hougang Kids thinking what to do without their gadgets.

Digital-painting is the "in" thing these days. I have started to  learning it.

But I don't want to throw away my paper and brushes just yet.

Most of my paint brushes were passed down from my dad and they have some sentimental values to me.

I won't buy any new brush. My current brush stock would last me a lifetime. 

Running with my Boss at park connector. 

Age is catching up for this old man.
My knees are "clicking".
My eye-sight is turning cloudy and my hands are shaky.
I don't know how long I could  still run and draw and my mind is still sound.

But for now, I won't stop running or drawing caricatures. Everyone should have some hobbies to remain agile and active.

Since 2009, I don't join mass runs anymore. 
They are expensive and overly-crowded.

I don't like runners running in groups as they don't care and often run in horizontal lines blocking other runners.

But I won't hesitate to run for a good cause. I participated in the 2014 POSB Run For Kids to raise funds for disadvantaged children.  

If you want to sponsor me for runs, just contact me. I can run for you with your name & BIB. You can keep the certificate, goodie bag and its goodies.

Megan FOX

I don't understand why people tattoo their bodies, especially on their backs.
They are for who to see ?
And you need a double-mirror to see your  own tattoos on your back. Isn't this strange ?

Some tattoos are so funny and vain, that I won't stop laughing (silently of course).
If you want to tattoo, at least choose something that is artistic,.......or appealing.

I won't tattoo on my own body and I won't recommend it to anyone.

Scarlett Johannson - LUCY 2014

I don't draw female caricatures very well.
I don't know why & I don't like to give up.
It usually takes me more tries before I get it right.

But I won't reject any request from female customers, if they agree to wait & pay well.

All good things must wait, right ? 

I don't have the means & resources to do missionary and volunteer works overseas like this man who does it almost every year. 

But I won't hesitate to volunteer if someone were to sponsor me. I could contribute my labour and time.
Just contact me with your details and needs. 

The Hougang Kids with the selfie stick I gave them.

I don't and would never take selfies.
I find it a weird thing to do.
I consider this as self-obsessive and I won't do it.

But I will continue to use my tripod for taking own photos with a self-timer camera.
I don't know why I have 3 tripods. I should sell 2 away.

Baby ZAC (3 months old) 

I don't understand why people like to take selfies & upload their photos on social media. 
I don't do it, as I consider this as narcissism on the extreme. But I do post my self-caricature to tell stories or just for laughs.

I won't upload & share my photos on social media.
Why let others see your private stuff for free ?
I have nothing to show off or boost except my drawings & caricatures.  

Hougang Gang

I don't think our productivity would ever goes up.
People are always busy or looked busy with their smart devices. 

People's minds are always occupied and distracted. 
Where to find time to think or reflect ?

I won't approve exposing young children to smart devices. Their eyesight, brains and psychomotor skills will be wrecked by technologies.   

The Weekend BIRDING buddy

I like photography of nature, natural landscapes and wildlife.

But I don't use expensive cameras & equipment. They are costly, heavy and inhibit my mobility. I like to keep things simple. Just point & shoot type.

But if you disagree & think otherwise, I won't rebut or stop you. It's your choice of doing things your way.

These are stuffs that I don't and won't do.
Some said this is our own guiding principles or self-rules.
They govern our thoughts, behaviours & attitudes.
Everybody has them.
What are your own rules & guiding principles ?

Disclaimer :
What you see & read here, are purely my own views, opinions & perceptions about the topic.
I fully understand that others may not think or feel the same like I do. 
It's OK to think otherwise. After all we are all human.
If you don't like what you read or see here, just ignore it & move on.
There is no need to sulk or complain.


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